Wednesday, July 31, 2013


17 inch laptop

Choosing The Right 17 inch Laptop

When it comes to choosing the right laptop, it can be a difficult task. There are many factors to consider. You must put everything into perspective before making a final decision. One important point to keep in mind is the size of your new laptop. Some like the smaller 15 inch laptops and yet others opt for the larger 19 inch plus models. But, by far, the most popular screen size is the 17 inch laptop because it has the best of both worlds: generous screen size and compatibility. The small 15 inch doesnt satisfy most laptop consumers viewing needs and the 19 inch plus models are just too bulky to carry around comfortably. That is why the 17 inch laptop is the most popular choice.

What are your needs?
Depending on your needs, you should shop when wisely when picking up your new 17 inch laptop. A good CPU (central processing unit), video card, and generous storage space are important too, unless you need the laptop for very light usage such as emails and occasional web-browsing. If you are a light user, your choices will be abundant and you will not have to spend much either. If you plan on doing heavy-duty gaming, make sure to get a high-end pc-- they are usually a bit costlier, however.

Which laptop can you afford?
The search for the right 17 inch laptop also raises another question- what is my budget? If the answer to that question is “not much”, then you should consider getting a laptop on a classified ads list like or even Ebay. There are many aftermarket deals to be had on these two major sites and they should definitely be considered an option if your financially strapped and need a laptop, You can always search on the net as old technology is constantly dropping in price when its replaced by the next generation. This means that the powerful laptop of last season may now be in your price budget.

Mac or PC?
Some consumers have a difficult choice to make when it comes to Mac or PC? Well, the long and short of it is this: Mac is for graphics and sound, PC is more for business and gaming. The Mac has the upper edge when it comes to doing apps such as making music or doing graphic work-- if your a graphic designer, etc... The PC has the upper edge when it comes to office apps, multimedia, and even hardcore gaming-- Mac doesnt have PC games. It really comes down to preference and what you like. Some like the slick look of the Macs Leopard OS and some like the simple, straight-forwardness of the Windows OS.

Your laptops lifespan
A 17 inch laptop usually has a good lifespan and can last many years. However, is that necessarily a good thing? It may not be. Experts agree that you should update your laptop, at least, every 5 years to keep up with changing technologies. This means that your cool new laptop that you bought a few years ago may be obsolete measured against todays standards. Although, its not absolutely necessary, it is a good idea if you can afford it. So, upgrade that old laptop and take advantage of todays technologies so you can stay current and avoid compatibility issues as well as headaches.

Do your due diligence
Make sure to your research and due diligence when shopping for your 17 inch laptop. An ill-advised purchase can leave you stuck with a lemon. You want to make sure you know what laptop has the best quality and that you are getting what you pay for. Many people, mistakenly, think that if they pay more, they will get the best quality. That is not always the case. Researching your potential laptop and the brands available will give you a better idea of what to buy and what brand or model to avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you will virtually guarantee that you get what you pay for and that you will be satisfied with your purchase.

Store Warranty
Another point to consider is buying a warranty. This is a good idea if you plan on keeping your laptop for awhile and want to make sure its properly cared for. Generally, stores offer a warranty that will provide insurance for your laptop that extends beyond the laptop manufacturers warrantee end date, this is also called “extended coverage”. A store warranty allows you to take back your laptop and get it fixed for free if it gets damaged. Make sure to read the fine print as most stores wont cover negligence. They will, however, cover damage to your laptop that is beyond your control and not of your doing.

Go get your laptop now!
Now that you have a few factors to consider, sit down and plan your purchase. The best idea is to research your 17 inch laptop (and the brands your considering purchasing), assess your needs (and budget), and then make a purchase based on thoughtful planning. This is a much better strategy than just blindly walking into Best Buy and picking up the most expensive laptop you see just because you figure that is the best choice or best buy (pun intended). Now, hop online and start doing your due diligence. Then, when you are ready to pick up your laptop, make sure to get a store warranty to protect yourself from unforeseen accidents to your valuable investment. It really is as simple as that. Choosing a laptop doesnt have to be a hard decision if you go about it wisely and have a proper plan of attack. Just make sure that you approach it with an open mind and do not rush into anything out of over anxiety. So, what are you waiting for? Go get your laptop now! There is no time like the present to pick up the right 17 inch laptop for all your computing needs!