Saturday, August 24, 2013


While some people know HP more for its solidly built desktop computers and sleek tower designs, HP is now more visible in the notebook market, offering decidedly more inexpensive models for a market that is always out for more value for money.

What people would certainly notice, especially if they’ve seen the HDX18, an older release, is the HDX16 has a smaller screen- but this slight alteration, along with a few others, has made this newer version, less expensive. Perfect for students and professionals who have small budgets but still want an HP-quality portable laptop computer.
HP HDX16HDX16’s specifications

For gamers out there, this HP laptop can be used to play games, and actually holds fairly decently when you want to play videos and other forms of multimedia as well. It’s not as powerful as HP desktop computers, but nonetheless, if you want the durability that the HP name has to offer, the HDX16 is definitely a good choice.

The HDX16 has been equipped with a 2.8 gigahertz Core 2 Duo processor, now a staple of all brand new lines of laptops (notebooks, netbooks and ultraportables). This makes sure that all the basic tasks of having a computer are met with a bang- word processing, media editing, media storage, multimedia entertainment, including games.

Truly, this little wonder of brawn and beauty has the HP mark of excellence on it. Like all other decent laptops, this one can handle the virtual memory intensive game Doom 3, which wreaks havoc in slower computers, the same way that Prince of Persia wreaks havoc in desktops that have less than 1 gigabyte of memory.


As just stated, this one packs a mean punch with multimedia entertainment, and can be used as an all-around laptop. However, when it comes to battery life (one of the more important features for anyone who thinks that one or two hours is not enough), we have a few snags with this HP unit.

For one, the battery of the HP HDX16 lasts only 2 hours; which makes it a losing proposition for those who expect that they can work for at least 3 hours before they have to plug in the computer again. Though this impediment can be remedied easily by getting another battery pack or working near power outlets, it’s a general let down for a laptop that promises to be an all around computer.

Yes, it seems that the HP HDX16 would be best left on to its own devices in a fixed place in the house or in the office, plugged snugly to a fixed power source.

If you don’t like weight, don’t get the HP HDX16; you will break your back trying to carry this one if you’ve been used to lighter laptops for the longest time. The HP HDX16 weighs more than 3 kilos- which translates roughly to about six pounds of weight (and add to this the weight of adaptor and wire, too).

We know what you’re thinking as well- it might be a laptop, but it’s not really that portable compare to its contemporaries. In any case, it provides efficient computing power, so if you want a heavy brick, get this one.